When Friendship Followed Me Home by Paul Griffin (2016)

whenfriendship_front-165x248If you want issues, this book has got them.  Lots of them.

Recommended grade level: 5-8

Pages: 256 (for ISBN 9780803738164 )

Genre(s) and keywords: realistic fiction

Tone/Style: resigned, exploratory

Pace: moderate

Topics: dogs, cancer, writing, magicians, libraries, adoptees, abuse

Themes: illness, belonging, finding meaning, grief and loss, death, change

Summary: Ben Coffin knows from foster care that people can leave you without a good-bye. That’s why he prefers to hide out in the Coney Island library with his sci-fi novels, until he rescues an abandoned dog from the alley next door. Scruffy little Flip introduces Ben to fellow book lover Halley—yes, like the comet. Some call her Rainbow Girl for her crazy-colored clothes, but for Ben it’s her laugh, pure magic, the kind that makes you smile away the stormiest day. Continue reading

One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt (2012)

one foThis story about a witty, sarcastic girl who struggles to open herself to love in a foster home is a favorite with upper elementary and middle school readers.

Recommended grade level: 5-8

Pages: 224 (for ISBN 9780399256158)

Genre(s) and keywords: realistic, reluctant readers

Tone/Style: snarky, longing

Pace: moderate to fast

Topics: foster care, domestic abuse, relationships with foster families

Themes: betrayal by a family member, finding familial love, loss, belonging, forgiveness

Summary: In the wake of heart-breaking betrayal, Carley Connors is thrust into foster care and left on the steps of the Murphys, a happy, bustling family. Continue reading

Golden Boy by Tara Sullivan (2013)

goldenFull of heart and steeped in Tanzanian culture, this book sheds light on a dark and fascinating human rights issue.

Recommended grade level: 7-11

Pages: 384 (for ISBN 9780399161124)

Genre(s) and keywords and keywords: realistic fiction, adventure, international, diverse, Africa (Tanzania)

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Mountain Dog by Margarita Engle (2013)

51Oei844sIL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_A simple but emotion-packed middle grade boy-and-his-dog story.

Recommended grade level: 3-6

Pages: 224 (for ISBN 9780805095166)

Genre(s) and keywords: novel in verse, realistic fiction, animal fiction, reluctant readers, Latino/Latina

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The Lost Years of Merlin by T.A. Barron (1996) (aka Merlin: The Lost Years)

The-Lost-Years-of-Merlin-Book-CoverThis modern classic embraces its epic roots along with a dash of humor and a down-to-earth sensibility in the tale of a young Merlin and a captivating magical island.

Recommended grade level: 4-7

Pages: 326 (for ISBN 9780399230189)

Genre(s) and keywords: fantasy, high fantasy, myth, Kylie’s favorites

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The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman


A spooky, thoughtful, and atmospheric Newbery Medal winner.

Recommended grade level: 4 and up

Pages: 312 (for ISBN 9780060530921)

Genre(s) and keywords: fantasy, (light) horror, award winner, Kylie’s favorites

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