Will in Scarlet (2013)


This middle grade take on the Robin Hood story follows Will Scarlet.

Recommended grade level: 4-7

Pages: 272 (for ISBN 9780375868955)

Genre(s) and keywords: adventure, historical fiction


Tone/Style: folktale

Pace: leisurely to moderate

Topics: Robin Hood, medieval society, thieves, hunting, outlaws

Themes: revenge, redemption

Summary: Will Scarlet is on the run.  Once the sheltered son of nobility, Will has become an exile. Continue reading

Auggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories by R.J. Palacio (2015)

augThree novellas from the point of view of three different characters offer new insight into the world of Palacio’s 2012 bestseller Wonder.

Recommended grade level: 3-6

Pages: 303 (for ISBN 9781101934852)

Genre(s) and keywords: realistic fiction, novella

Tone/Style: thoughtful

Pace: leisurely to moderate

Topics: The Julian Chapter: bullying, feuds, parent-school relations, World War II.

Pluto: divorce, accidents, memories, childhood friendships, outer space, dogs

Shingaling: dance, cliques

Themes: The Julian Chapter: reasons for meanness, redemption, forgiveness

Pluto: difficult friendships, long-distance friendships relationships with parents, guilt

Shingaling: reasons for kindness, going outside of friend groups, self-discovery

Summary: Over 2 million people have read the #1 New York Times bestseller Wonder and have fallen in love with Auggie Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face. Readers have also been treated to three stories offering a special look at Auggie’s world through new points of view. Continue reading